The Green Guide "for everyday living" offers a wide variety of green topics and links.
Green Living Online What it says, out of Canada.
Green Living Journal "Practical journal for friends of the environment" covers Oregon and Northern California.
Green Trending: The Mother Nature Network offers articles trending in environmental and health topics.
GREENMOMS: Look out, here come the Moms! The EcoMom Alliance is a non-profit organization inspiring and empowering mothers to help reduce the climate crisis and create a sustainable future. "Sustain your home, sustain your planet, sustain yourself."
GREENPROPERTYIDEAS: Green Interior Design Guide and Sustainable Landscaping Guide are pages on the site which is otherwise about Property Management software.
GREENRECREATION: Rails to Trails "Burn calories, not carbon."
GREENSCHOOLS: The purpose of Go Green Initiative is to create a culture of environmental responsibility on school campuses. Schools that model and teach principles of environmentally responsible behaviors to students will have a long-term impact. Get'em while they're young!
GREENSHOPPING: Real Goods Store at the Solar Living Center in Hopland, CA. "Resource for Everything Green."
BuyGreen - "Environmentally friendly products for consumers and business."
GREENTREEWORK: California Arborists Association is a source and resource for Certified Arborists, for the science and art of professional arboriculture. It always greener to do it right.
GREENWEDDINGS - Three sites with gowns and accessories for green-conscious or simply price-conscious buyers: Fairytale Brides to donate or purchase donated wedding clothing; Green Guide Bridal Store for wedding and other formal dresses; and Recapture: Vintage Bridal Design.